During a recent upper respiratory tract infection, you notice that the lymph nodes underneath your mandible have enlarged over the last 2 days and are now palpable. This is a result of which of the following? (QID 133224)

A. virally induced B-cell lymphoma
B. sequestering of aged RBC for destruction and recycling
C. impaired filtrations of interstitial fluid from local extracellular spaces
D. B-cell proliferation for the humoral immune response

An asthmatic patient who is breathing rapidly comes into the ER. You are attending to this patient. Which of the following correctly explains the acid-base physiology of this patient and the effect on the oxygen concentration? (QID 133223)

A. Your patient will retain excess oxygen thereby reducing blood pH.
B. Your patient will retain excess carbon dioxide thereby reducing blood pH.
C. Your patient will retain less carbon dioxide thereby elevating blood pH.
D. Your patient will retain less oxygen thereby elevating blood pH.

Ethanol, the active ingredient in alcoholic beverages, in excess is known to affect a person’s ability to concentrate, accurately perform hand-eye coordination task, maintain a balanced posture and gait. Given this information, which of the following parts of the central nervous system does ethanol preferentially affect? (QID 133222)

A. cerebellum
B. pons
C. corpus collosum
D. spinal cord

The medulla oblongata senses cardiac pressure changes via which of the following? (QID 133221)

A. beta-adrenergic receptors
B. proprioceptor
C. baroreceptors
D. chemoreceptors

Which of the following body systems has a protective function in addition to helping to eliminating waste and maintaining body temperature as well as aiding in Vitamin D production? (QID 133220)

A. urinary system
B. gastrointestinal system
C. integumentary system
D. cardiovascular system

While the primary voluntary motor function is controlled in the _____________ lobe, primary sensory function is controlled in the ____________ lobe. (QID 133219)

A. parietal, occipital
B. frontal, temporal
C. occipital, temporal
D. frontal, parietal

The actions of the parasympathetic nervous system are mediated by which of the following neurotransmitters? (QID 133218)

A. acetylcholine
B. epinephrine
C. norepinephrine
D. serotonin

While lightly jogging in your neighborhood a seemingly unhappy dog approaches you and begins barking. Startled, you jump, begin sweating, quickly look far for an exit path, and sprint away from the dog. Which of your nervous systems is activated after the dog approaches? (QID 133217)

A. central nervous system
B. parasympathetic nervous system
C. enteric nervous system
D. sympathetic nervous system

Which of the following correctly provides the flow of blood through the cardiovascular system? (QID 133216)

A. Deoxygenated blood flow from the pulmonary veins in the pulmonary arteries
B. Oxygenated blood flows from the aorta directly to smaller arteries and arterioles
C. Deoxygenated blood flows from the left atrium, through the mitral valve, and
into the left ventricle.
D. Oxygenated blood flows from the coronary sinus into the right atrium then
through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle.